
Sisyphus' cyberwork

We are witnessing the emergence of a new counterculture in these years when Pluto is about to move into Aquarius. In view of the seemingly inevitable climate changes, young people are calling for change and are taking political action in a way they have not done for a long time. It's a bit reminiscent of the counterculture of '68. The difference is that the new young generation is extremely tech-savvy and skilled at scientific reasoning. While the postwar boomers were still fighting against their parents, their fascism, the rigid methods of their upbringing and their racist view of humanity, Generations Y and Z are fighting like Sisyphus against ignorance in general. The book contains over 30 horoscopes of the current time, including the big internet companies, as well as the time of the counter-movement with Chiron in opposition to Uranus. 

This book covers the different eras of Saturn-Pluto conjunctions from the Cold War to neoliberalism to the new digital agenda. Many themes of today are similar to those of the Reformation and Weimar eras. A large section is devoted to the theme of war grandchildren, the children of parents born of war, who grew up in seemingly ideal conditions from the 1950s to the 1980s and yet have such trouble living in peace with themselves and the planet. The chart of Pluto's entry into Aquarius gives hope that one last great freedom exists: the freedom to say no to the apparent blessings of biotechnology and an artificial digital world. But to do this, we must, like Sisyphus (represented in the chart by the

asteroid Chiron) go through the same patterns and wounds over and over again.


ISBN-13  979-8840300800

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Contents............................................................................... 5

Preface................................................................................. 8

Jupiter/Neptun in Pisces – A new spirituality.................... 12

Chapter 1 The 20th century............................................... 34

The cycle of Saturn and Pluto........................................ 34

The new world order 1914 - 1947................................. 36

The Cold War 1947 - 1982............................................. 39

The code of neoliberalism 1982 – 2020........................ 41

Internalization of rules................................................... 46

The consequences of globalization................................ 51

Growth crisis in 1993................................................. 59

Integration crisis in 2001........................................... 59

Reduction Crisis 2010................................................ 61

Blockchain - The New Money....................................... 64

Part 2 The Internet giants................................................... 73

Under the sign of the fruit - Apple................................. 73

A computer for everyone - Microsoft............................ 81

The digital department store – Amazon......................... 86

Write in my poetry album – Facebook.......................... 89

The world formula - Google.......................................... 93

Digital ethics.............................................................. 97

Part 3 False ideal worlds.................................................. 107

The generation of Kriegsenkel..................................... 107

Psychosocial mechanisms of generational conflict...... 116

Parallels with the Reformation and the Weimar period 128

Part 4 The paradigm shift................................................. 139

Uranus / Chiron............................................................ 142

The beginnings............................................................. 149

Leo/Aquarius Axis: 1955 - 1962.................................. 153

Virgo/Pisces Axis 1962 - 1969..................................... 160

Libra/Aries Axis 1969 - 1976...................................... 183

Taurus/Scorpio 1976 - 1983......................................... 192

Sagittarius/Twins - 1983 - 1990................................... 202

5000 years of patriarchy.............................................. 205

Part 5 The Quantum Leap................................................ 210

The last freedom.......................................................... 210

Learning from crises.................................................... 215

Pluto Ingress in Aquarius............................................. 219

Tasks of the future........................................................ 227

Appendix A: Horoscope List........................................... 238

Appendix B:..................................................................... 240